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时间:2024-03-14 23:06:04  来源:http://www.gjqjd.com  作者:admin

First, the product quality

(The First) the quality management system

In order to ensure product quality and project quality, by product drawings and industry standards, the manufacturing of various products to conduct a comprehensive inspection, in addition to routine quality inspections, and to focus on strengthening the following:

1. To establish the whole process of manufacturing an effective quality management system, the implementation of three-level (plant level, workshops, team) quality management system, strengthen the testing procedures, quality control procedures to prevent substandard parts to enter the next procedure, to ensure that the semi-finished products pass rate.

2. The main components of quality control points should be determined by the preparation of drawings and relevant product standards, as a production test, compilation of all data archives to check.

3. Strengthen the raw materials, the Association of component parts of quality control, all foreign raw materials, steel casting, casting parts (rough) the Association of component parts into the plant should be provided from other units, certification, quality books, into the factory for review, Sampling from the full-time inspector, according to the relevant provisions do chemical analysis and performance analysis, the relevant materials testing, inspection procedures for storage, and then used for production.

4. For supporting the use of the motor, reducer and other major equipment, with a personal inspection, make a trial run, after passing the factory support.

5. Strengthen the product assembly, quality control, in strict accordance with drawings and assembly process requirements, all components should be assembled in the factory, should be qualified in the factory after factory assembly for debugging, where the components assembled on site, should be qualified to make the relevant commissioning tag, and then assembled at the scene to ensure the quality of machine equipment.

6. Enhance paint quality management, requirements painted rust, emphasizing the paint appearance quality, hand inspected before leaving the factory.

7. Strengthen the delivery of quality control, divided by drawing pieces of packaging, all products before delivery and spare parts should conduct a comprehensive inspection, the issue of compliance orders, replacement of failed parts must be returned, only for delivery of qualified products, procedures, carefully fill cross packing list and shipping orders, payment of product certification, if necessary, notify the monitoring of cement come

(The second) the manufacturing quality

1. Equipment manufacturing process, the demand side, the supplier can send a representative to the producer, if found quality problems, be entitled to the details and the Remedy will notify the supplier. After repairing identified by the demand-side determined not affect the use of, and demand-side documents issued written approval before entering the next process.

2. For the party responsible for the quality of its supply of equipment, purchased materials, components and equipment should be preferential purchase, must meet the design requirements or demand side, the special requirements, for changes in purchased materials, components and equipment, variety, specifications and quality should be the prior consent of the parties agree, before implementing the changes.

3. In the equipment manufacturing process, the necessity to alter the materials used to change the structure or changes in process equipment, should the prior consent of the buyer's consent.

4. Equipment manufacturers later, the need for pre-installed, pre-adjustment of the equipment should be in the supply-side production site for assembly and commissioning, after passing the factory, due to transport large equipment needs to be assembled at the construction site of the demand side, and should ensure that the request of assembly to the demand side.


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