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FM.调频 即frequency modulation





FM frequency modulation

FM refers to let high-frequency oscillation frequency with the changes in the size of the audio signal.

FM wireless technology and the principles of operating principle is closer to the radio, using FM (frequency modulation) mode. However, the FM radios used by the analog signal is relatively more obvious distortion using FM radio technology, the majority of the use of digital audio. Simply put, is the analog audio signal through the AD converter into a digital signal, and then to the carrier signal modulation and launched the receiving end is using the same frequency to receive, through the DA converter for converting analog signals, and then zoom to the speaker output. Carrier is a wireless transmitter at the center frequency, FM modulation refers to the use of the voice signal to the carrier wave frequency control parameters so that the carrier signal with a voice message.

FM wireless technology more mature and realize the cost is relatively low. The shortcoming of radio waves is vulnerable to interference, when surrounded by close to the frequency of the radio wave will have a significant distortion. To avoid this situation, the wireless FM audio carrier frequency is very high, much higher than the carrier frequency of the radio, some products can also be manually set up several different carrier frequency to avoid interference between similar devices.

二、磷 硫 锰 硅 碳 的 英文是什么

磷 phosphorus (P)

硫 sulphur (S)

锰 manganese (Mn)

硅 silicon (Si)

碳 carbon (C)





2,辅料Subsidiary material;

原料:”primary material“或者“raw material”。

五金库: Hardware warehouse


辅料库 Subsidiary material warehouse


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