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Project cost of the pre-audit settlement is reasonable to determine the project cost of the necessary procedures and an important means. By pre-, to conduct a comprehensive settlement, the system of inspection and review in a timely manner to correct the mistakes and problems, to make it more reasonable to determine the project cost to effectively control the project cost the purpose of the project to ensure the realization of the objectives of management. How fast can we do a good review of the project cost, in particular the pre-audit settlement of this? For a long time, there is the question: project cost management focused on project budget, budget, bid and completion of the clearing and preparation of the audit , And the construction of the process involved in the management of the construction costs less or not at all involved.

Key words: project cost management cost budget for the cost of a visa settlement


2, 100m could be done in a day so 41 days are needed to finish 4100m.Therefore, a 41 days extension period is requested,每天完成100米,4100米需要41天,按照我们的施工进度,希望您在审查之尽快核准通过. According to our construction schedule, your quick approval would be appreciated, the following workload is increased. In order to avoid the delay in completion,以便我们尽快进行施工。 1.To meet the needs of the project, so we can start it ASAP. 2,请注意第3项内容1,根据工程的需要,现有以下增加的工作量。据此我们提出41天的工期延期,请你批准,为了避免工期的延误.Please attach great attention to Item 3


The information about The engineering costs

The engineering costs complete equipment investment cost of meaning to constuct an engineering expectation expense or actual expense.Is also an engineering and pass construction the forming corresponds of the total of using a time of charge that non - trading asset, immaterial assets needs.

This meaning defines from the angle of investor-owner.Say from this meaning, engineering's costing is an engineering rate.For Be finished an engineering, projected or physically in service market in the land Market, equipment market and technique, and contracts for a market to etc. trade to is movable amid the building forminged setup engineering of rate and the construction engineering total price space.

It usually is the second that costs engineering to grow meaning to affirm to accept to send report rate for engineering.It is constructing a market to pass to recruit tender, from demand master investor and supply master the construction company approve together of rate.


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