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这个问题比较专业,一般较常见的答案有:工业工程(Industrial Engineering),源于泰勒的科学管理,以规模化工业生产及工业经济系统为研究对象,以优化生产系统、提高劳动生产率和综合效益为追求目标,在生产制造技术、管理科学和系统工程等科学不断发展的基础上形成的一门交叉边缘学科,在国外已经有一百多年的历史,是世界七大工程学科之一。工业工程发展至今它融技术和管理于一体,对工业发达国家的经济与社会发展起了巨大的推动作用,是一个国家工业文明的重要基础。随着中国逐步成为世界制造大国,工业工程日益受到重视,企业家们越来越意识到,只有企业中的中高级经理人掌握工业工程的方法解决问题,企业的效率改善,成本降低,质量保证,效益实现才能持之以恒。如果说你想有更专业的旦尝测妒爻德诧泉超沪回答和更详细的了解,可以去清华大学工业工程系培训中心的网站上看看,听说他们的培训中心是工业工程国内有名的培训机构。


水利工程施工 按照设计提出的工程结构、数量、质量、进度及造价等要求修建 水利工程 的工作。包括施工准备、施工技术与施工管理等内容。随着科学技术的发展,水利工程施工已成为一门独立的学科。

施工特点 水利工程施工与一般土木工程如道路、铁路、桥梁和房屋建筑等的施工有许多相同之处。例如:主要施工对象多为土方、石方、混凝土、金属结构和机电设备安装等项目;某些施工方法相同;某些施工机械可以通用;某些施工的组织管理工作也可互为借鉴。但是,水利工程的施工也有其独自的特点:①水利工程承担挡水、蓄水和泄水的任务,因而对 水工建筑物 的稳定、承压、防渗、抗冲、耐磨、抗冻、抗裂等性能都有特殊要求,需按照水利工程的技术规范,采取专门的施工方法和措施,确保工程质量。②水利工程对地基的要求比较严格,工程又常处于地质条件比较复杂的地区和部位,地基处理不好就会留下隐患,事后难以补救,需要采取专门的 地基处理 措施。③水利工程多在河道、湖泊、沿海及其他水域施工,需根据水流的自然条件及工程建设的要求进行 施工导流 、 截流 及水下作业。④水利工程要充分利用枯水期施工,有很强的季节性和必要的施工强度,有的工程因受气候影响还需采取温度控制措施,以确保工程质量。水利工程施工,与社会和自然环境关系密切,因而实施工程的影响也较大,须要把握时机,合理安排计划,精心组织施工,及时解决施工中的防洪、渡汛等问题,以策安全。

Water conservancy project construction in accordance with the design of engineering structures, quantity, quality, progress and cost of construction of water conservancy projects such as the requirements of the job. Including the construction preparation, construction technology and construction management and so on. With the development of science and technology, water conservancy construction has become a separate academic subject.

Characteristics of water conservancy project construction and general civil engineering construction such as roads, railways, bridges and architecture, such as housing construction has much in common. For example: The main construction of the object for many earthwork, stonework, concrete, metal structure and mechanical and electrical equipment installation projects; some of the same construction method; certain construction machinery may be universal; some of the construction organization and management can also learn from each other. However, the water conservancy project construction also has its own characteristics: ① assume retaining water conservancy projects, water storage and discharge of the tasks, thereby contributing to the stability of hydraulic structures, pressure, seepage control, impact, wear, antifreeze , anti-cracking properties have special requirements to be in accordance with the water conservancy project technical specifications, to take specific construction methods and measures to ensure project quality. ② water conservancy project on the foundations of more stringent requirements, engineering geological conditions are also often more complicated parts of the region and the foundation will leave a bad deal with hidden dangers, and afterwards it is difficult to remedy the foundation necessary to take special measures to deal with. ③ many water conservancy projects at the river, lakes, coastal waters and other construction, according to the flow of natural conditions and engineering requirements of building construction diversion, closure and underwater operations. ④ To take full advantage of dry season water conservancy project construction, there is a strong seasonal and construction of the necessary intensity, and some work needs to be taken due to the climate impact of temperature control measures to ensure project quality. Water conservancy project construction, and social and natural environment are closely related, thus the impact of the implementation of the project is also a greater need to seize the opportunity and reasonable plan, carefully organize construction work, a timely solution to the construction of flood control, flood and so on, for safety reasons.

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