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旋挖桩是指人工挖孔,还是钻孔灌注桩? 追问: 钻孔灌注桩 回答: 钻孔灌注桩 正常在高层建筑或超深地库中使用,可以适应绝大多数的地质条件。 特别是采取该种桩型不会有预应力的困扰。 正常每台钻孔机械需要50-60KW的电量。 在勘探报告出来后,需要 试桩 ,根据勘探报告里土层划分,分别取点试桩。 钻孔灌注桩的 机械费 用正常在200左右,电费在150左右,其他为 材料费 (钢材每立方约50KG,灌注的为 商砼 ),加上管理费用,江苏地区的市场价约在1000元/立方,按照有效桩的体积计算。 钻孔灌注桩需注意的是:1、泥浆池的外运工作;2、 钢筋笼 的绑扎;3、商砼的供应时间,不能断供;4、钻孔成功后,二次清空一定要清理干净;5、桩长一定要满足设计要求,可以通过 钻杆 、测绳了解;6、正常的钻孔灌注桩需要入岩,可以通过钻机的机身抖动,了解到入岩情况。 以上这些,希望对你有所帮助



摘要:Abstract in Wuhan Xiongchu Avenue reconstruction project of the production practice and the Wuhan Metro Line 2 South extension line engineering internship in, deep feelings to the rotary drilling rig in bored pile hole construction in a wide range of applications. The high efficiency, environmental protection and good quality of the rotary drilling rig have been widely recognized. Although rotary drilling rig the development and application of rapid development, but in the construction process of relatively is still in behind, in the construction not combining the dynamic changes of the rig and engineering actual situation, that in engineering application can not give full play to its performance and efficiency. In rotary holing construction, often encountered in drilling verticality deviation, shrinkage size and other quality problems, or due to improper selection of drill bit type species, construction technological parameters unreasonable problem caused by low efficiency of hole and delay reduces the production efficiency. The in view of the above problems and combining with production practice, graduation practice two engineering examples, in a detailed understanding of site engineering geology and rotary digging drill structure and function on the basis, through the analysis of the site construction process, summed up the rotary holing process commonly used in quality control and efficiency improvement. And taking the drilling problems encountered in the construction as an opportunity, the treatment methods of the drilling rig in special stratum construction technology and common hole accidents were summarized.

关键词:Rotary drilling rig; construction technology; bit; quality control; efficiency improvement

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